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Monday, January 13, 2014

2013 in Review

What an amazing and productive year we had in 2013.  We were able to get a lot done and hopefully we made it more comfortable and enjoyable. 

We started the building of the new bathrooms.  Prepared a spot for the pavilion.  Prepared the big cottonwood field for Alfalfa.  Built a new trailer pad near the fire pit.  Laid cement around the fire pit.  Eric started a new campground at a beautiful lookout over the entire ranch.  Started a park for the kids.  Moved the interior East fence and closed that road.  We also have prepared for a lot of other additions we can start in 2014 when we finish the bathrooms.

We had a lot of fun.  We have been able to watch our children spend their summers up there and enjoy the outdoors in a safe and private environment.

We will let you know as soon as we can get up there this 2014.  We will be working on getting the fences repaired quickly so we can get working on the rest of our projects.  Any and all help will be welcome, even just the moral support.  Don't worry about driving up there.  The roads are better than they have been in the 8 years that I have been driving up there.  You can also get a ride with any of us going up there.

Also, if you have a group (besides a Weight Family group) that would like to go up for a campout please let Jared or Eric know so we can get it on the calendar.  We are still asking for groups to pay when they go up there to help cover some of the expenses it costs to maintain the property.  Since the bathrooms aren't finished we have been charging groups of 15 or less $25 per night or they can do a service project.   If it is a group larger than 15 then they can talk to Jared or Eric about a price and arrangements.  This includes father and son outings, scout campouts, girl camps, and any other non family activities up there.

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