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Pavilion Progress

This page is to show the progress of the pavilion and explain any new additions.

10/11/12-$280 has been donated to the building of the pavilion.

There is a change of plan with the pavilion and bathroom.  We are going to separate the 2 and make 2 different locations.  The decision was made for several reasons.  First is the space we have for it will not allow for such a large location so we decided to split up the 2 areas.  Second we thought there could be a smell from having a bathroom so close to the eating area.  The bathroom will go just South West of the water spigot.  The pavilion will go on the grass field above the original plan for the pavilion.  Bellow you will see a map of where everything will be. 

If you look close you will see a #1 and that is where the bathrooms will be and 2 is where the pavilion will be.

We were able to dig the footings for the bathroom.  That will hold up the walls for the bathroom. 

We also got the spot for the pavilion partially level and marked out.

Jared is hoping to have both the bathroom and pavilion done by September. 

Changing the way we are doing it will help save money and expedite the process.  We will keep you all posted on what is happening.

We took up two trailers of cement and were able to lay to footings for the bathrooms.  It took just half a day but it was time well spent.  We have been working hard to get it all done in the quickest manner possible.

We went up to lay the bricks around the foundation.  This was a lot more work than I ever anticipated.  You have to be exact in every peace you put in or else the entire building could be compromised.  Jared and Eric did all of the skilled labor while the rest of us did the grunt work and hauled the bricks to the needed areas.




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