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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Cutting down trees

This past Saturday Jared and part of his family along with Gable went up to The Ranch in the afternoon after the Art City Day parade.  We had lunch up there and then we started working on a new project we have.  We began to cut out trees and make an area for Jared and his family to camp and park trailers.  This will make it possible to begin work on the pavilion.  Plans have been adjusted a little but the pavilion we be even better and a little smaller so it is more affordable and easier to build.  We were working on the area just above where the pavilion has been planned to be built.  We had to cut out a lot of trees which took us the entire afternoon to do it.  We filled up 6 truck loads of trees and still have a pile of cut trees sitting up there. 

This is a picture of us just getting started, we should have taken a before picture but didn't think about it.

We were able to use the tractor to start to level out a lot of the area.  We still have a lot of work to do but we should get it done this weekend.  We are renting a Mini-X to do the work which for those of you who don't know, (I didn't know until just recently and am 28) it is just like a small back hoe.  Here is a picture below of what one looks like. 

We finished as much as we could with the tractor and chain saws and just everything by hand and now we need the mini-x to finish the rest of the work and also we will be getting all of the area ready for  the pavilion and to start laying the water pipes and the footings.
We will be going up Friday night and Saturday to finish the work we started.
We then had a delicious peach cobbler dessert after a chicken salad dinner.  It was an amazing time up there and we are getting a lot done.  It was nice to relax for  a few minutes and just have a hot treat.

Enjoy this video of us working.  For those of you who missed out on Tucker working you can get a small snapshot of it here.

This one is of my son Toby enjoying The Ranch.  It was a pretty awesome moment this morning when I say him playing in his room with his trucks and talking about the work he was doing with them at The Ranch.  Both of our kids love The Ranch and get excited every weekend we are going camping there.  We hope they are learning some important lessons while we are there and we hope they can love it in the future as much as we do. 



1 comment:

  1. A labor-filled day that was! Cutting down trees is such a huge task, so it's awesome to see that you lot managed to accomplish it on your own. Good going! I can't wait to see how this ranch will become. Best of luck!
    Melva @ MPDT
