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Sunday, July 1, 2012


This was an extremely busy week at The Ranch.  Wednesday evening Jared, Tucker, Karlee, Kerri, Dustin, Libby, & Toby went to The Ranch and primarily spent time at Doug Weight's place.  We worked on some of the machinery to cut and bail the hay, which he is allowing us to borrow.  We were only up there for a couple hours but got everything ready for the next day when we would swath (cut) the hay.  Thursday morning Jared and Dustin went up early and were able to get the whole thing cut in the morning.  We also mowed some of the other field to keep the weeds from growing and spreading.  Here are a couple of pictures of the field ready to bail.

Saturday at 6:00 am Jared and Tucker went to bail the hay.  They were able to finish it by early afternoon.  Tucker also was able to mow the flat iron.  We have over 100 bails of good hay.  Here is a picture of the field and all of the bails of hay.  

We are hopefully going up on Monday to bring all of the bails down.  We will have to find somewhere to keep them before we can get them sold.  Trent and his kids, Valerie, Karlee, Dustin and his kids, Tricia, and Morgan all met up there in the early afternoon.  Dustin had a rapid leak in his rear driver side tire but luckily Tucker was able to help Dustin get the tire changed quickly.  After everyone was up there we all started pulling weeds on the potato field.  Trent was quoted as saying "I think we are doing this for a greater purpose."  He meant that we may need to return to farming someday and we are developing the skills to do that now.  Trent left after helping with the weeds and on his way home he got a flat tire.  Two flat tires in one trip, luckily it was on two different cars.  Everyone else stayed for an extra hour and sat in the shade or shot a .22.  It was a very nice day but also very hot.


  1. Your week at The Ranch has been very productive in cutting hay. The ranch field is very wide, and cutting all the hay and mowing weeds needs a lot of people to finish working on them faster. Well, you’re lucky to have those helping hands. Working together in that green field is definitely exciting.

    *Rodger Ciliberto

  2. That’s a good source of income. It looks like that ranch has a good irrigation system. How many hectares is that ranch? Do you have livestock or crops? We also have a ranch, and we used to breed and raise horses and cow. We also used to sell milk and horses too.
    - Darren Lanphere
