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Monday, October 10, 2011

New Bridge

Dustin's Young Men group did a service project and built a bridge crossing the stream bellow the zip line. It makes crossing the stream and the walk from one end of the zip line to the other a little bit easier.

Kerri, Dustin, Libby, and Toby went to The Ranch today to ride horses and just check things out this fall.

Monday, September 26, 2011

New Gate

There is a new gate that was installed at the Flat Iron entrance. Eric put it in last week and it looks pretty good. It is off the road a little to help when pulling trailers in to the ranch. Jared wants to put a sign at the top of it. Send over some designs to the email having to do with the Weight name ie W8 or any cool design. Go check out the new road and new gate when you get a chance. Nice drive to see the fall leaves as well.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New Road!!!

The new road is in place as well as a cattle guard. Soon the old road (that goes up the hill) will be closed to normal travel. It is suggested when going to the ranch to only use the new road. Go on the road that goes to the cabin and you will see it is wider and much better and more comfortable. It is a gentle climb all the way to the entrance to the flat iron. There is no more giant hill to climb where you have to stop at a gate and then try to get your vehicle to climb the rest of the hill without any momentum. You won't have the steep switchback either at the end of the cabin road. Now it is just a nice gentle rise to get to the entire property. There is a cattle guard at the bottom where the old gate was on the property line which is very nice as well. Here are some pictures to check everything out. They are all facing south east as though you would be leaving the ranch.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Snakes and Bears

Doug Weight called Jared and told him he had large bear tracks on and around his deck and the bear had played with one of his coolers and had left traces around his property. If you are going to the ranch to stay the night be careful and be sure you leave all food either left in your car or hung up in a tree. The bear will most likely avoid coming around people but if you leave easy food out for it to get then it may come around. Be careful!!! We have had a very wet year and that makes the ranch extremely green and beautiful but it also brings in additional dangers. There is more wildlife this year. While up there this weekend with a scout group we found at least 2 rattle snakes. We were only able to kill one of them cause one escaped into the mountain. We saw it on the road going up to the Pond/Dam. Be careful around snakes cause they seem to be multiplying right now. If you know of anyone going up there pass along this little note.

The new road was finished this week. We forgot to get pictures of it but we will get some posted soon. You no longer have to drive up the steep and horrible road or worry about getting stuck on the road by the cabin. Take the road that goes to the cabin and then just follow it out. It is wider and actually takes a different and easier route now. Go try it out and see the new cattle guard that was put in. The old main road will possibley be closed off so enjoy that new road.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


We planted potatoes in June and here are a few pictures of the process. A few parts on the potatoe planter were broken so we had to fix them but they all got planted and should be ready soon.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Ranch 5/21/11

A tree fell over the road just past the Child's property about 100 yards before you get to the split in the road to go to the cabin or to keep going up the normal road.

An SUV can barely make it under the tree that has fallen over. Most trucks will most likely not be able to make it under the tree or up to the ranch until we are able to cut that tree down.

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Ranch: Spring 2011

Well a lot seems to have changed at the ranch over the winter. Between all of the crazy rain and snow storms we have had this spring a trip to the ranch was actually possible. We took a lot of pictures that will be able to explain the Ranch after winter than words can explain. We saw two flocks of Turkey and a lot of deer on Diamond Fork. The Ranch is very wet right now and you will see that in the pictures.

The water fall on the backside of the damn

The road going up to Cabin is now a small stream