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Monday, May 17, 2010

May 17, 2010

Dustin, Tucker, Eric and Jared went to the ranch today and repaired fences. The winter was relatively mild so the fence around the farm ground were not in bad repair. we were able to get completely around the inner fences and they are all in good repair.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

First Trip

Jared, Tucker, Libby and Dustin all went to the ranch with Beau (Jared Weight family dog) for the first time of the year this weekend. We went to check things out and make sure everything is dry enough to go do work and start on the fences. We also opened the water line so there is now drinkable water for the spring and summer. We checked the damn and it has quite a bit of water in it but shouldn't so we will have to figure out what to do to unclog the drain. We shot some guns and just had a good time for a couple hours. As we left we saw a beautiful Hawk keeping it's eye on us as we drove away. We will be going back up on Monday to start working on the fences.